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Report False Positive

Help us make LiveGuard AntiCheat® better for you and other gamers.

Submit Report

Fill out the below form to report a False Positive detection.

Please ensure you provide us as much details as possible, including a download link for the software detected and a video if you can (you can record using a software like Bandicam).

Requirements for reporting are as follows:

  • Name - Can be nickname, but no foul language.
  • Email - Valid email so we can get back to you if needed.
  • Description - A clear description of the situation in which a detection occurs.
  • Video - Private/Unlisted video recordings only; YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch and Daily Motion accepted only.
  • Screenshot - ImgBB and Google Photos accepted only.

What are false positives

Our job is to detect cheaters as well as cheating tools and sometimes it may happen that a legitimate application or game is being detected. A detection of this kind is labelled as "false positive".

This can happen due to several reasons, like if the application has specific game cheating characteristics. It is unfortunate, but we saw several large scale applications behaving and containing things that game cheaters use.

Nevertheless, we do everything possible to mitigate the problem and whitelist these applications to ensure you have a smooth gameplay. We need your help to do this.

How it works

  • You submit the software (with video or screenshots if possible)
  • Our team will analyse the software and check for validity (make sure it’s a false positive)
  • After our team reached a conclusion a fix/update will be issued to address this (if needed)


If you submit a false positive via the above form, we need to process your data in order to respond. However, your data will only be processed for this purpose, and will not be used for anything else.

In other words, we will never share or sell your name/email and anything else you might add into the description (please don't share personal data like passwords and such).

Your data submitted is stored only for 6 months from the date of submission and will be automatically deleted by the system after this period.